The author has used a number of strategies in this book to help convey the message. Toshi - Layla - Kale Kamine - Wanted - Manyelo Dafro - Ladon - Fearless - DJ Mujava & DJ Cee - Diatla - Star Summer - Silvio luz & Achex - Unity feat. Mabo - Inzima Lendlela - Manyelo Dafro - Ladon - DJ Merlon ft.

Izindaba ezidingida izimo zempilo jikelele Covers a wide range of. Stories depicting a number of life issues. Le noveli Ikhuluma ngentombazane eyintandane okufanele inqobe izinkinga eziningi ezinjengokuhlukunyezwa, izidakamizwa, ukuswela umsebenzi njil, ukuze ithole uthando, isithunzi nempilo engcono.